Sunday, November 8, 2009

of men and bedbugs

Remember that scene in the movie Starship Troopers when Rico and Carmen are dissecting a giant bug and the biology teacher tells them to take bugs-study seriously because bugs have millions of years of evolution behind them and are much superior species than what we make of them, probabaly smarter than us. Take it from me. She was right. No, I am not kidding. These tiny creepy ultra resilient sons of guns are the hardiest creatures I have met in ages and they just refuse to go. Like a bad dream, they resurface out of the blue once every few weeks. An outstanding testimony to their survival instincts.

The question that comes to mind is why these bugs won't leave us alone. Of all the fine healthy species on this earth, why they have chosen to predate us or rather sneak up to us and suck the life blood out of us. There are millions of species, wild and not so wild, all living in perfect harmony. Why can't they co-exist without giving us those rashes, those raised bumps on our skin, those irritating itchiness and sleepless nights. Why they can't leave us human alone. Has it ever occurred to you, especially in a half asleep irritable state in the middle of the night, that it may a deliberate act of defiance? It a taunt, an attempt to impose their superior survival genes on us, a rude reminder of our vunrebaility and their aspirations
to rule our life. After all, has it not been conjectured by some leading scientists that in the wake of a nuclear war, the bugs, led by cockroaches, would be the fittest species on earth. You don't need a lesson in Darwinian theory to guess which species will rule the earth next. Its the freaking bugs. Lets kill them before its too late.

That's what I have done this weekend. Disrupt, dismantle and destroy them from my apartment. Laundry, vacuum, boric acid spray, sterilize every nook and corner and purge my environment of these God damned filthy creatures. Hopefully I won't see them in near future. Who knows?

1 comment:

  1. and i am forced to live ascetic life because of these tiny creatures. My bed and mattresses were contaminated when i entered the old flat which had so many bugs. Finally they were to be thrown out now i sleep on floor only on bed sheet with my lights on so that i can spot the leftover bugs in the night and eliminate them from my flat :(
